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Introduce your little ones to baby board books

Introduce your little ones to baby board books

Many parents enjoy reading books to their little ones. Reading to kids is something that can be started right away..even while they are tiny! Many young readers are entertained and encouraged by being read along with the beautiful illustrations. Board books are often the first books that parents introduce to toddlers. One such reason is that they are durable enough for babies and toddlers. 

board book is a durable version of a regular book with pages that are so thick they are like “boards”. They are generally less than ten pages long. These books are specially written for babies and toddlers, with large words and colourful illustrations. Board books are appropriate for babies aged 6 months to toddlers 4 years old. 

One of the most important skills your child will learn in life is being able to read. And, most importantly, reading for pleasure. Reading plays a major role in communication linking into listening, speaking and writing and it also stimulates creativity. 

Some ideas to nurture early literacy skills in your baby:

  • Pick age appropriate books and place them in areas accessible to children. Make sure the books are colourful and hardy enough to withstand pulls and knocks and ideally interactive.
  • Talk to children often. Start talking to your children at a young age and as they get older engage them in conversations about their day, ask them questions, crack jokes and make up stories together, all these efforts will help in developing important language skills and help with early literacy.
  • Introduce vocabulary during a read-aloud. Select a few words to highlight and define for children before you begin the read-aloud. 
  • Make reading together a daily routine. This is one of the most important early literacy tips. 

There are multiple benefits of board books for infants. Some of them are:

  • Durability: The board books are highly durable. The pages are thick and non-tearable. Easy to clean pages when they get dirty.
  • Accessibility: These board books are easily available for the little ones. They are quite safe as they come up with round and smooth edges. The little ones can easily use these books.
  • Eye-catching Illustrations: Baby board books are highly attractive as they contain colourful eye-catching images. Children tend to love these books
  • Develops fine motor skills: Board books tend to develop fine motor skills in toddlers as they learn to turn the pages. The books are perfect for tiny hands. They fit in their hands and are child friendly books.
  • Perfect read aloud books: These board books are considered to be the perfect read aloud books for the toddlers. Just show them the image and word associated with it. Reading to them will develop reading skills in them.
  • Build Vocabulary: Through these baby board books toddlers come across many new words and this enhances their vocabulary.

Thus baby board books are always an ideal option to introduce your little ones. Pegasus is India's leading award-winning children's book publisher. They have a wide range of books: workbooksstorybooksbaby board bookspuzzles, toys, activity bookscolouring books and many more. It is one of the best online platforms for buying kids’ books, games and toys that caters to children from 0 to 12 years old. 

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