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Simple tips to make children learn Hindi in a fun way

Simple tips to make children learn Hindi in a fun way

Making your little one learn Hindi is not an easy task. Not only Hindi but this goes the same for every language. As kids can hardly concentrate or sit seriously. They often get bored and run away to play. Making them sit and learn takes effort. It is good if you make the learning fun for them. 

Hindi being our mother language. It is important that children learn the language at an early age. But making the language fun is an important task for the parents. It is really not easy for your little ones to just learn by reading books or by writing. The Hindi books for kids need to be made more interactive and engaging. 

To make children learn Hindi in a fun way. There are some ways to do so:

  • Audio-Visual Aids: Introduce them audio visual aids. Let your child watch good movies, series or cartoons in Hindi for your child to see and enjoy. Watching programs in the language  will tap into their latent talent and maximize their potential to learn.
  • Make them memorise: While playing, ask your kids just random questions about what they learned in their language class. This will help them to recall and memorise. 
  • Communicate in Hindi: Have regular conversations with your child that too in Hindi. So that they have strong command over the language. This will enhance their speaking skills. 
  • Rewards: Set target goals for your little ones. Make a proper plan for the week and go it as per the schedule. Then by the end of the week see how much your child has achieved and reward them too. As this will motivate them to learn more. 
  • Interactive learning sessions: Writing in copies or reading from books may become boring for your little one. Try making their learning sessions interesting and engaging. Let them write on chalkboards or whiteboards. Introduce them  to flashcards or puzzles. Let them learn vowels, letters in this form. 

As parents it becomes your duty to make the learning fun for your child. Introduce them to new ways and techniques so that they don’t run away when you tell them to study the language. Pegasus is India's leading award-winning children's book publisher. They have a wide range of books: workbooksstorybooksbaby board bookspuzzles, toys, activity bookscolouring books and many more. It is one of the best online platforms for buying kids’ books, games and toys that caters to children from 0 to 12 years old. 

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