Ways to build self-confidence and influence people
A person with self-confidence is always admired by everyone. People may even get jealous of them. A self- confident person is considered to be as trustworthy and inspires confidence in others.
Self- confidence is all about trusting your own decisions and judgements, and that you’re firm to what you believe despite the fact what people might think of you.
Not everyone is born with self-confidence in them. Sometimes, it may be hard to develop self- confidence. This may be because one is suffering from low self-esteem or their personal experiences have caused them to lose confidence.
There are ways to build self- confidence:
- People may lose confidence when they haven’t achieved anything. At that point of time, it’s good to make a list of all those things that you have achieved and it could be anything. Keep that list and add to it whenever you do something you’re proud of. The moment you feel low, take out that list and this will remind you of all the awesome stuff that you’ve done.
- Setting up goals is another way to build self- confidence. The goals don’t have to be big. Just aim for the small ones so that you can tick off a list to help you gain confidence to get things done.
- The feeling that you’re not good enough is not a nice one. To avoid this, treat yourself like you would your best friend and cheer yourself on.
We all have some or the other person who inspires us. He could be anyone. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea to influence people around you. People who inspire us, we feel delighted to hear them and not only this but we oblige them as well.
Ways to influence people:
- In order to influence people, it’s important that you are authentic. Don’t be the carbon copy of someone else, rather find out what makes you unique.
- One must always listen to others. Listen to what is spoken and what is left unsaid. As listening meets the primary need of validation and acceptance.
- Catch people doing good. It’s easy to look at the problems. But instead of that look at their successes and once done, name and notice their contributions.
Pegasus is India's leading award-winning children's book publisher. They have a wide range of books: workbooks, storybooks, baby board books, puzzles, toys, activity books, colouring books and many more. It is one of the best online platforms for buying kids’ books, games and toys that caters to children from 0 to 12 years old. They too have their own book on the following title: How to develop self-confidence and influence people by public speaking which is ideal for kids aged 8+ years. The book is highly recommended read for those seeking to improve their public speaking and leadership skills. It is also suggested read for those seeking to influence people with their thought and those who looking to improve their confidence to take them sailing through all walks of life.
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