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Colouring books for 3 years old

Colouring books for 3 years old

Your child’s attention span is too short and they get distracted easily? Colouring Books are an ideal option to keep them busy and occupied for long hours. Colouring Books not only keep them engaged but benefit your toddlers in many ways.

Colouring Books are an important educational tool for your little ones. Besides this, it is their favourite time pass. They spend hours colouring the pages without even getting distracted. It is good to introduce these books at an early age as they benefit them to a great extent. Colouring Books not only include creativity but helps in the overall development of kids.

There are various benefits of introducing colouring books at an early age. Some of them are:

  • Relaxation and patience:

A child gets to relax when they are colouring. They also learn to be patient as they have to fill colour only in between the lines. The colouring provides hours of relaxation along with that it gives them a sense of accomplishment when he finishes colouring a page.

  • Promote Creativity:

Giving your child the opportunity to choose the colours of their choice allows them to be creative and enhances their thinking skills. They can draw anything of their choice and colour them.

  • Promote hand-eye coordination:

While you colour, it requires you to pick up the colour and colour it in the pictures. All this requires the movement of your hands as well as your eyes. This helps in improving fine motor coordination.

  • Prepare them for school:

Giving them colours and a sheet of paper is the perfect way of introducing kids to the concept of learning and working with a piece of paper, something which they have to do throughout their school life.

 Pegasus is India's leading award-winning children's book publisher. They have a wide range of books: workbooksstorybooks, puzzles, toys, activity books and many more. It is one of the best online platforms for buying kids’ books, games and toys that caters to children from 0 to 12 years old. They too have colouring books that are ideal for 3 years old. The books provide hours of relaxation to the toddlers, enhance their creativity and thus helps in building up their overall development.

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