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How do black and white toys benefit infants in development?

How do black and white toys benefit infants in development?

Have you ever wondered why so many baby toys and books feature high contrast black and white illustrations? This is so because research indicates that high-contrast colours like black and white register most strongly in a baby's brain and help the optic nerve to grow. The newborn babies cannot see anything other than black, white and grey. The first colour babies are able to see is red but that too not before they are 5 months old. Their vision is also blurry. When they see high-contrast images, they are able to make out and interpret them.

Benefits of high contrast books for babies:

  • Cognitive Development:

There is no specific age as to when to introduce babies to books. One should start with an early age. Children who have read books since birth have a broader vocabulary and stronger communication skills than other children of their age. A high contrast baby book is a fantastic tool to aid in early cognitive development. It builds listening skills and teaches babies about communication, letters and shapes. 

  • Visual Development:

High contrast books enable babies to focus clearly. Research has shown that a baby's retina registers the strongest when shown black and white images. This, in turn, sends strong visual signals to the brain, leading to more brain growth and faster visual development. 

  • Social Development:

Reading books with your little ones is a great way to spend quality time with them. Babies love the way they are being taught and the kind of voices we as parents make while reading. Thus, reading with your little ones is the perfect time to interact with them and strengthen bonds with them.  

Pegasus is India's leading award-winning children's book publisher. They have a wide range of books: workbooksstorybooksbaby board bookspuzzles, toys, activity bookscolouring books and many more. It is one of the best online platforms for buying kids’ books, games and toys that caters to children from 0 to 12 years old. They too have introduced High Contrast Cards for infants. The developing eyes of newborns are fixated better on black & white patterns than the colourfully complex ones. In Very First Cloth Book for Babies, infants get sensory opportunities to improve their eye-brain coordination with soft, squiggly and crinkly pages. In First Touch & Feel Book for Babies, infants get sensory opportunities to improve their eye-brain coordination with movable elements. In Very First Flashcards for Babies, along with durability, infants can use the cards like a toy while learning. Thus, this is a great way to nurture your baby’s love for reading from the moment they are born.

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